Saturday 13 February 2016


One of the ways we like to explore the universe is via space probe.
Some of these explore planets, some check out comet and the Voyager 1 probe has even left the solar system entirely.
Sometimes we even attach plaques to them bearing messages to the stars like some kind of intergalactic business card. The Pioneer Plaque depicts simple drawings of the human forms in all their naked glory, and the rough position of our solar system and planet using 14 pulsars as a frame of reference.
The golden record on the Voyager 1 craft has similar etchings, but also includes a collection of golden phonograph records that contain the sounds of humanity, including music, greetings in multiple languages and over 90 minutes of music from various cultures. It also has photographs of Earth and images of humans doing things like eating, breastfeeding, shopping and going on spacewalks.
If we’re lucky, these might be found by another intelligent race one day. If we’re very, verylucky, we might find one of theirs.
Our probes and the messages that they carry are relatively primitive in the grand scheme of things. However, there’s a possibility that an advanced race might have sent out self-replicating probes, capable of exploring the galaxy.

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