Sunday, 14 February 2016

Hard To Follow What They’re Saying

One of the sweetest things in the world is listening to someone talk about something they’re so excited about that they can’t get the words out quick enough, tripping over them. One of the numerous things that dyspraxia effects is the speech, and people with severe dyspraxia often both have difficulty structuring what they’re saying and have unclear speech. This, combined with the slightly different way that Dyspraxic’s brains work can make it difficult to follow what they’re actually saying.
Tragically, a number of Dyspraxics respond to this by not really saying much at all. It’s an unfortunate reality that a large proportion of Dyspraxics grew up facing a lot of social challenges at school due to their disability, and the daily difficulties of a Dyspraxic’s life often lead to them facing depression and anxiety when they’re older.

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